Le Corps de la Paix des USA cherche/recrute un Dr./médecin pour servir comme Médical Officer (PCMO) basé à Rabat, au Maroc. Le PCMO fournira des soins de santé aux Volontaires du Corps de la Paix au Maroc et travaillera sous la supervision du Directeur et du Peace Corps Office of Medical Services à Washington, DC.
Qualifications et exigences:
• Diplômé médical d’une école accréditée ;
Les médecins doivent être diplômés d’une école indiquée dans ce lien, Fondation pour l’avancement de l’éducation et de la recherche médicales internationales : Https://search.wdoms.org/
• Licence actuelle pour pratiquer ;
• Expérience clinique pertinente en soins primaires après l’école de médecine ;
• Capacité de communiquer efficacement en Anglais oral / écrit ;
• Expérience dans la gestion des problèmes de santé mentale, y compris le conseil des patients ;
• Expérience dans la conception de la formation et la présentation du matériel lié à la santé ;
• Connaissance pratique de Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Outlook ;
• Gestion du programme, expérience administrative ;
• Capacité de travailler efficacement dans le cadre d’une équipe interculturelle ;
• Travailleur, fiable et diligent avec de bonnes compétences interpersonnelles ;
• Volonté de voyager aux différentes régions au Maroc;
• Capacité de travailler avec une supervision minimale ;
• Doit être en mesure d’obtenir un visa Américain ;
• citoyen marocain ou résident légal ayant le statut de travail au Maroc.
Dernier délai est le 20 Aout 2017
Version Anglais:
The United States Peace Corps seeks a Medical Doctor to serve as a contracted Peace Corps Medical Officer (PCMO) based in Rabat, Morocco. The PCMO will provide health care to U.S. Peace Corps Volunteers in Morocco and will work under the supervision of the Peace Corps Country Director in Morocco and the Peace Corps Office of Medical Services in Washington, DC.
Qualifications and Requirements:
• Graduate of accredited school
MDs must be a graduate of a school listed in this link, Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research
• Current license to practice
• Relevant clinical experience in primary care after medical school
• Ability to communicate effectively in oral /written English.
• Experience in managing mental health issues including counseling of patients
• Experience in training design and presentation of health related material
• Working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Outlook
• Program management, administrative experience
• Ability to work effectively as part of an intercultural team
• Hardworking, reliable and diligent with good inter-personal skills
• Willing to travel to sites in Morocco
• Must be able to obtain an American visa
• Moroccan citizen or legal resident with status to work in Morocco
Interested applicants for this position must submit all the following items – listed 1 through 7 below – or the application will not be considered:
1. A completed PCMO Application form, a completed PCMO applicant skills survey, a completed Privileging form. The applicant must complete this request for privileges depending on their professional qualifications. (These three forms are included with this job announcement. If unable to access, contact PCMO Recruiting Officer at: job@ma.peacecorps.gov)
Please include the title ‘PCMO’ in the Subject Line of your email. All applicants must submit a Resume (CV) together with a Cover Letter – both typewritten and in English and in PDF format. APPLICANTS MUST ALSO SUBMIT ALL COPIES OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION – PHOTOCOPIES & REFERENCES – VIA EMAIL [or they may be hand-delivered – in a sealed envelope – to the Peace Corps office: Corps de la Paix office – 2, Rue Abou Marouane Essaadi, Agdal Rabat, 10080]
Applicants must also fill in the forms available on this site: https://www.peacecorps.gov/morocco/contracts/
EMAIL TO: Attention: PCMO Recruiting Officer at: job@ma.peacecorps.gov / Deadline August 20, 2017